
The Constitution

Last approved in December 2017, our Constitution outlines the rules governing KINWU, and will tell you everything you need to know about how we operate. Read it in full here.

The Constitution

Why You
Should Vote

Members of KINWU have the opportunity to have their voices heard by voting on Union matters at our General Membership Meetings. Why is it important for members to exercise this voting right?

Have your voice heard

The only way for KINWU to capture your voice and reflect it is to hear it through your vote.

Strength in numbers

The more people who vote, the stronger the mandate that we can use to advocate on your behalf.

Representing diversity of our members

When members aren’t voting, it’s hard for the Union to have a holistic picture of employee welfare. Your vote helps us better understand the big issues, which will allow us to alleviate ` them more effectively and promptly.