January 23, 2025

Dear KINWU Members – INVISTA

We want to extend our sincere gratitude to each of you for participating in the recent ratification vote. Your engagement and dedication to this process are truly valued.

After tallying the votes, the results are as follows:

With a majority vote of YES, the tentative agreement has been ratified.

This outcome marks an important step forward, and we appreciate the collective effort that has brought us to this point.

Your continued involvement and support remain essential as we move ahead together.

In solidarity,

The Executive Committee


Dear KINWU Members – Invista,

Your voice matters, and this is your opportunity to make an impact.

Don’t miss your chance to vote. Exercise your right, and contribute to your future.

Tuesday, January 21st 06:30-20:00
Wednesday, January 22nd 06:30-20:00

K.I.N.W.U. Hall 745 Gardiners Rd., Unit 9, Kingston ON.

Thank you for your continued engagement and commitment.
Together, we shape the future of our Union.

In solidarity,
The KINWU Executive Committee



Please be advised that as a result of the ratification vote on the renewed Collective Agreement between Kingston Independent Nylon Workers Union and Invista Canada, the proposed contract HAS BEEN RATIFIED.

We would like to thank all those members who took the time to come out and vote.

Also, we would like to thank the Bargaining Committee for all their hard work and efforts on the members’ behalf.

Bargaining Committee
Cory Serson, President
Brad Reid, Vice President
Darran Prest, Treasurer
Cory Serson, Recording Secretary
Tammy Buckley, Trustee
Roddy Todd, Trustee
Brent Irwin, Trustee.

January 13, 2022

Voting Procedure for Renewal of Collective Agreement

Voting on the renewal of our collective agreement will take place in person next week on Tuesday, January 18th and Wednesday, January 19th between 6:30 am and 8:30 pm at the union hall, 745 Unit 9 Gardiners Road. As per KFLA guidelines, members are asked to self-screen and will be required to wear face masks while in building. We have come up with a plan to help ensure members safety while voting. Below are the guidelines to follow.

• We ask that members use the north side (Boston Pizza side) of the building. There is more parking available, and we have two doors on that side of the building.

• Members are required to maintain physical distancing.

• The door on the left (closest to Gardiners Road) will be used as the entrance, the door on the right will be used as an exit only.

• Face masks are required to enter building and members will be asked to sanitize their hands.

• Maximum of 3 people allowed to enter at a time to vote.

• Once their vote is cast, we ask that members leave the premises so that other members will be allowed to enter.

Hope to see everyone out to vote,
KINWU Executive

January 11, 2022

We are providing our members with a copy of the Memorandum of Settlement to review before the Presentation Meetings. Please log on to our meetings as indicated in the previous correspondence below.

INVISTA (Canada) Company, Kingston Site and
Kingston Independent Nylon Workers Union (KINWU}

1. The Parties agree to recommend a renewal of their Collective Agreement for a period to expire on January 27, 2025.
2. The renewal shall continue the terms of the current Agreement subject to the changes indicated
3. It is understood that the terms of the new Collective Agreement are as set out herein and any matter that either party intends to rely upon is set out and is not based upon the exchanges between the parties in bargaining or past practices not incorporated into the new Collective Agreement.

General Wage Increase

A. Effective January 28, 2022 (or date of ratification, whichever is later), employees will receive the rate applicable to their classification shown in Schedule A.
B. Provided the settlement is ratified on or before January 27, 2022, all employees in the bargaining unit will receive a signing bonus of 2% net of their annual wages, to be paid separate from regular pay. This signing bonus shall be paid within four (4) weeks of January 28, 2022.
C. It is understood that employees on an authorized leave of absence at the time of payment of a signing bonus (B. above), shall receive payment upon return to work or termination of employment, whichever occurs first.

General Amendments
i. All gender specific pronouns will be replaced with “them/their”.
ii. All reference to “foreperson” will be replaced with “supervisor”

Signed at Kingston, Ontario this 23rd day of December 2021. In witness thereof, the Parties have signed this Agreement. For


(a) In this agreement:

KINWU (The Union)

a- • ·

(i) “said Site” means the Company’s nylon manufacturing plant located in the City of Kingston, County of Frontenac in Ontario, known as its Kingston Site.
(ii) “employee” means anyone employed by the Company at the said Site who is paid at an hourly rate, save and except office staff, guards, forepersons and persons above the rank of foreperson.
(b) This agreement covers all employees. As herein defined.

(c) For p1::1rposes of clarificatioA the parties recogAi2:e that this agreemeAt applies to KiAgstoA Site emplo•yees assigAed to the CompaRy’s C1::1stomer TechAical CeAtre a Ad Research CeAtre located iA the City of KiAgstoA.


(b) The Union recognizes the right of the Company:

(i) to manage the said site and to direct the working forces including the right to direct the working forces, recommend, promote, transfer, or classify any employee and to demote, discipline, suspend or terminate the employment of any employee for any justifiable reason. Justifiable reason for the termination of any employee who has not achieved seniority status shall be determined by the Company. Such determination shall not be made in bad faith or in an arbitrary manner;
(c) The use of electronic or video surveillance will not be used to deliberately monitor employees’ work. The Company and the Union will discuss the location and purpose of all electronic or video surveillance.


(c) The Company will maintain in place a Short Term (S.T.D.) plan, essentially similar to that in place upon the expiry of the previous Collective Agreement that provides the following benefits:

(i) For up to 26 weeks
• first 6 weeks, 85% of pay, excluding any occurrences of twenty-four (24) hour non payable working period,
• the next (20) weeks, 70% of pay

The benefit is payable subject to the terms of the plan. The company may ensure the plan in which case its obligation is to pay the premium.

(ii) If the employee demonstrates consistent personal reliability, the company will waive the twenty-four (24) hour non payable working period. The Company has sole discretion to waive or reinstate the twenty-four (24) hour non payable working period, for individual employees. Subject to the further provisions of the Plan.

{I) During the term of this agreement the Company will deduct the amount of the regular Union membership dues from the wages of each employee. The Company shall remit to a recognized Canadian financial institution duly designated from time to time by the Union, for deposit to the Union’s account, the total of all amounts so deducted in a monthly period, not later than ten (10) business days after the last payroll of the given month deductions haves been made. The Company will at the same time forward a list of all employees from whose wages such deductions have been made and a list of the changes to the deduction list since the last payment to the Union.
(q) /\n employee, hired and designated as a Fibre Trainee, ••♦ ..ho is retained after completion of t>.i.•el,.•e (12) cumulati>.•e months of acth,ie employment shall no longer be designated as temporary, 9 prmdded the period of lapse of emplo •ment does not mcceed t•.velve (12) months on any occasion.

(o) The Company agrees to continue the system whereby vacancies in certain classifications in Schedule “A” are posted for not less than fourteen (14) days on the bulletin board in the said Site. The Company further agrees to inform the Union concerning the content of each notice prior to posting, and to inform a committee of the Union forty-eight (48) hours in advance ofthe announcement of selection to fill such vacancies.


(a) The Company agrees to recognize (20) stewards, in addition to one of whom is the Chief Steward. The Union shall notify the Company in writing, or electronically, of the names of the stewards and of the Chief Steward. A steward will be permitted allo·.ved to leave their duties for a reasonable length of time to investigate and settle grievances without loss of time or pay, provided #½at they arrange the appropriate they have agreement tifRe with their supervisor. A
member of the Union Bargaining Committee The Chief Steward or appointee will be permitted to leave their duties for a reasonable length of time to prepare for Step 3 of the grievance procedure without loss of time or pay provided they arrange the appropriate time have agreement with their supervisor.

(b) The Company agrees to recognize a Union Bargaining Committee composed of not more than seven (7) employees.

(c) The company shall inform offer UAioA represeAtatioA ta-employees of their right to union representation before all discipliAary meetings in which disciplinary action is to be administered.

(d) The company will endeavor to return the bargaining committee members to the role they held prior to bargaining.


(a) The normal number of daily hours can be either 8, 10 or 12 hours and the normal number of weekly hours can be either 36, 40 or 48 hours in accordance with approved schedules, established from time to time.
(a) The Aormal Aumber of daily hours of work shall be either eight (8), a Ad shall ¥ary from eight (8) hours for silc (G) days iA a week to eight (8) hours for t…,o (2) days iA a weelc, or twel¥e {12), a Ad shall ¥ary from tv.•elve {12) hours for four (4) da•ts iA a week to t>.velve {12) hours for oAe (1) day iA a ‘.’.’eek, or a combiAatioA of t1.’.’0 (2) twel•,e {12) a Ad two (2) eight (8) hour days iA a ‘.’.’eek, iA accordaAce with schedules established from.time to time. It is UAderstood that the day of rest shall be SuAday for day ‘.’.’orlcers.

(e) Employees are entitled to one (1) rest period of twenty (20) minutes’ duration in each half of the working day.

(g) AA employee may work extra hours be•toAd the regular scheduled worlc day aAd beyoAd forty eight {48) hours iA a week. This pro•,isioA is agreed to iA order to comply 1.’.’ith the OAtario
E-m13leymeRt StaR€Jards Act.

(g) An employee may choose to work extra hours beyond the regular scheduled work day and week, up to seventy-two (72) hours in a week under normal operating situations. An employee may choose to work extra hours up to 84 hours in a week under certain conditions. The Company will discuss with the Union prior to implementing any schedule of hours beyond seventy-two (72). This provision is agreed to in order to comply with the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (fSA).
(h) Employees may agree to be on-call and available to work during periods when they are normally scheduled off. Employees who agree to be on-call must be available to work during the 12 hour on-call period and report to the site within one (1) hour of being called in. Employees on-call will be paid two (2) hours pay at their regular hourly rate for each on-call period they are scheduled.

(b) Employees shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half for work required to be performed on their regularly assigned day of rest. They shall be paid at the rate oftime and one-half for work required to be performed on their extra day of rest, provided however, that they shall be paid at the rate of double time instead of at the rate of time and one-half, for all hours worked in excess of four (4) hours beyond the normal number of daily hours of work on that day or in any continuous period.
(i) Employees who are on-call and are required to report to work shall be paid applicable overtime rates and allowances for all the hours worked.

(ct) An employee who works on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Family Day, Monday of the School Winter Holidays, Victoria Day, July 1st (Canada Day), Third Friday in July, Civic Holiday and 26th December shall be paid in addition thereto at the rate of time and one-half for all hours worked on that day or in any continuous period. An employee who works on any of the following holidays: Good Friday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day shall be paid in addition thereto at the rate of double time for all hours worked on that day or in any continuous period.
It is understood that for the purposes of calculating holiday premium pay, New Year’s Day includes December 31st, 19:30 to January 1st, 19:30.

(h) If an employee reports for work when scheduled to do so without having been previously notified not to report he/she shall be provided three (3) hours’ work at his/her straight time rate or, in lieu thereof, shall receive three (3) hours’ pay at this straight time rate, provided however, that the employee shall not be entitled to such work or such pay:

(i) if the failure to provide work is due to circumstances beyond the control of the Company.
(ii) if the employee has not provided the Company with his/her correct telephone number or cannot be reached at that number.

(n) An overtime meal allowance up to the value of $15.00 shall be provided in accordance with an Overtime and Other Allowances Procedure.
(p) If an employee engages in work remotely, outside of their regular scheduled hours, they shall be paid at the applicable overtime rates. Remote work shall be calculated in 12-hour periods from the time of initial call;
• A total of 15- 60 minutes of remote work, shall be paid 1 hour or,
• For 60 minutes or more of remote work, shall be paid for actual time worked.


(a) The classification of all occupations and the wage rates appear in Schedule “A” attached hereto, which is made part of this agreement and is signed for identification by the parties hereto. It is agreed that when a new classification is created or an existing classification is substantially changed by the Company, the Company will discuss the change with the Union.
(i) For unique roles, where no classification exists, the Company will determine the appropriate market rate and seek agreement with the Union.
ii) The company reserves the right to make increases to specific classification wages at any time during this agreement.

(e) An employee ·.vho is successful in posting to a new classification and who is not immediately classified at the top classification in that line of progression, may not engage in further posting activit>y until such time as he/she ·.vorked at the top classification for a period eeiuivalent to the progression period. In the ei..•ent the posting occurs to a nev, classification not in a line of progression, the employee may not engage in further posting activity for two (2) years. At its sole discretion, the Company may reduce the t·No (2) year restriction, if it deems an employee has complimentary training to the new classification.
fij Becomes (e)
ffl} Becomes (f)


(a) An employee shall acquire seniority status after he/she has been in the employ of the Company for a probationary period of one hundred and eighty (180) consecutive days. For an employee designated as temporary, the probationary period shall commence upon attainment of status as a regular employee. An employee designated as temporary, who has been with the Company for a minimum of six (6) consecutive months and is subsequently hired for regular employment performing the same work, will have their probationary period reduced to ninety (90) consecutive days. The probationary period may be extended by 60 days or reduced for a period of up to sixty (60) days upon agreement with the union. The CempaRy ,…,ill re•.iiew tl=1e
reaseR fer aR’t’ prepesed el:taRge te a preeatieRar1 peried ‘Nitl:t tl:te YRieR iR ad1.iaRee. For all probationary employees, it is understood that in cases of absence beyond ten (10) consecutive days, the Company may extend the probationary period by the total number of consecutive days absent.

ARTICLE X – to replace current (b)

(b) The company will provide an annual allowance, for the purchase of safety footwear, to each employee in the amount of $275 to be paid out within the first thirty (30) days of each calendar year. For new employees the annual allowance will be paid within thirty (30) days of date of hire. It is understood that it is the responsibility of each employee to ensure that their safety footwear meet the site safety standards. If an employee’s safety footwear is damaged due to an unforeseen event that occurs at work and is no longer safe, the Company will reimburse the cost for replacement equal to the cost of the damaged footwear.


(a) Any dispute, grievance or misunderstanding (hereinafter called “grievance”) involving occupational classification, wages, the benefits plans, seniority, hours of work or other working conditions which any employee or group of employees may desire to discuss and adjust with the Company, shall be handled in accordance with the provisions ofthis Article.

(b) While an employee may discuss a grievance with their supervisor at any time, a request for retroactive adjustment need not be entertained by the Company unless the grievance is presented in writing within thirty (30) days of the date of the incident which gave rise to the grievance. Any grievance shall be deemed to have been withdrawn if, after a written decision has been given at either step 1 or step 2, more than thirty (30) days have elapsed before the grievance is carried to the next step.

(c) For non-disciplinary matters, a meeting with select individuals may be convened in an effort to resolve the matter. If the matter is not resolved, it may be moved on to Step 2.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Prior to issuing a written grievance, the employee shall first take up their grievance directly with their supervisor. If the matter is not resolved, it shall be handled as follows:

The employee may report the matter to a steward and shall at the same time submit a written summary of the grievance to the appropriate Manager or their appointee. If the written decision of the Manager or appointee does not settle the matter to the satisfaction of the employee or fourteen (14) days have elapsed since the grievance was submitted under the provisions of this step, the steward may:

Submit the grievance in writing to the Union Bargaining Committee which may bring the matter to the attention of the Site Manager or their appointee the written statement of the grievance. The Union Bargaining Committee may then discuss the grievance with the Site Manager or appointee at an agreed upon time. A grievor may attend the discussion of their grievance at the mutual consent of the Company and the Union. If the written decision of the Site Manager or appointee does not settle the matter to the satisfaction of the Union Bargaining Committee or six (6) weeks have elapsed since the grievance was submitted under this step, the provisions of Article XIII may be invoked.

(d) All decisions arrived at by agreement between the Site Manager or appointee and the Union Bargaining Committee with respect to any grievance shall be made in writing and shall be final and binding upon the Company and the Union.

(e) Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to take away the right of an individual employee to present any personal grievance to the Company.


Within a period of fourteen (14) weeks after a matter has been brought to the attention of the Site Manager or appointee, any grievance or other matter in dispute between the Company and the Union, involving the interpretation or alleged violation of any Article of this agreement may, in the event of failure to reach agreement thereon, be referred by either party to arbitration by an arbitrator selected by both parties. as follo•Ns:

(i) the party desiring arbitration shall notify the other part'( in writing of the matter to be arbitrated and propose three (3) arbitrators;
(ii) the party recei’.’ing the notice shall, •Nithin ten (10) days, notify the other party of either its agreement to one of the proposed arbitrators or its proposal of a further three (3) arbitrators.
(iii) should the part>,’ originally desiring arbitration fail to accept one of the arbitrators proposed in (ii) abo•,•e, 11,it hin ten (10) days, either party may apply to the Minister of Labour of the Pro’.’ince of Ontario to appoint the arbitrator.

(b) The arbitrator shall convene a hearing into the matter in dispute and issue an award, in writing, to both the Company and the Union. ‘Nithin siJ(ty (GO) days of completion of the hearing.


(a) This agreement shall become effective as of the 28th day of January, 2022-1-3-, and shall remain in full force and effect until the 27th day of January, 2025 .


CODE Classifications 1/28/2022 1/28/2023 1/28/2024
06f0i:J: Pel•1MeF Speeialist Process Optimization Technologist $ 37.85 $ 38.99 $ 39.77
New Process Control Technologist $ 35.43 $ 36.49 $ 37.22
10#8+ Pel•,•MeF :J:eelrnieiaR 3 Process Control Technician $ 33.73 $ 34.74 $ 35.44
11 Pel•/MeF :J:eelrnieiaR ;i Process Control Operator $ 29.87 $ 30.77 $ 31.38
Pel’l’MeF :J:eellRieiaR 1
17 Batch Operator $ 28.27 $ 29.12 $ 29.70
Batel! QpeFateF iFaiRee
FiFe S\•steMs Speeialist
64fti4; Fil!Fe Speeialist Process Technologist $ 31.00 $ 31.93 $ 32.57
15fa.i; Spinning Technician $ 28.94 $ 29.81 $ 30.41
SpiRRiRg :J:eellRieiaR iFaiRee
13 Spinning Operator $ 26.83 $ 27.64 $ 28.19
ag SpiRRiRg QpeFateF iFaiRee

:i:e11tile Mael’IIRe QpeFateF “A”
42 MateFial !ipeeialist Material Technologist $ 26.27 $ 27.05 $ 27.59
44}44:J Material Technician $ 24.98 $ 25.73 $ 26.24
40 MateFial :i:eel’IRieiaR :J:FaiRee
43 Material Operator $ 22.40 $ 23.07 $ 23.54
i9 MateFial QpeFateF PFellatieRaf’t’
45/4,i:i: Service Operator $19.83 $ 20.42 $ 20.83
47 !ieP.•iee QpeFateF PFellatieRaF•t
94 Student Minimum wage+ $2
ball eFateF•1• :i:eel’IRieiaR 1st Glass
37 balleFateF’I’ ReseaFel’I !ipeeialist Lab R&D Technologist $ 32.65 $ 33.63 $ 34.30
33 balleFate F’1• !ipeeialist Lab Technologist $ 30.28 $ 31.19 $ 31.81
34fi4; Laboratory Technician $ 28.27 $ 29.12 $ 29.70
balleFateF’I’ :i:eel’IRieiaR +FaiRee
balleFateF•t QpeFateF
5of§G+ !itatieRaF•t ERgiReeF aRII Glass Operating Engineer 2nd Class $ 50.42 $ 51.93 $ 52.97
61 !itatieRaF•1• ERgiReeF iFII Glass Operating Engineer 3rd Class $42.02 $ 43.28 $ 44,15
74 !itatieRaFy ERgiReeF 4tl’I Glass Operating Engineer 4th Class $ 31.72 $ 32.68 $ 33.33
81 !itatieRaF•1• ERgiReeF +FaiRee Operating Engineer Trainee $ 29.66 $ 30.55 $ 31.16
58 PeweF DistFill11tieR EleetFieiaR A Power Electrician $ 45.27 $46.63 $ 47.56
i-7 Pe, 1 \ 1eF DistFill11tieR EleetFieiaR 8
51 MaiRteRaRee :i:eel’IRieiaR :i.st Glass Maintenance Technician $42.00 $ 43.26 $ 44.13
62 AppFeRtiee MaiRteRaRee :i:eel’IRieiaR aRII Glass Apprentice Level 3 $ 35.84 $ 36.92 $ 37.66
75 AppFeRtiee MaiRteRaRee :i:eel’IRieiaR iFII Glass Apprentice Level 2 $ 32.03 $ 32.99 $ 33.65
65 AppFeRtiee MaiRteRaRee :J:FaiRee Apprentice Level 1 $ 28.33 $ 29.17 $ 29.76
72 Maintenance Operator $ 24.98 $ 25.73 $ 26.24
MaiRteRaRee QpeFateF PFellatieRaf’t’


Temporary employees can be hired into any c{;lassifications in Schedule “A”. for •Nhich such temporary status is applicable are designated with “T” in the Job Code. For the purposes of clarity, during such a period of temporary employment benefits will be statutory only, seniority status is not acquired, the just cause provisions under Article II and the severance provisions under Article IX do not apply.
It is understood a former employee with required skills may return to the bargaining unit for a period of temporary employment at the former classification or equivalent if the former classification no longer exists and current rate.
Not·Nithstanding the abm1,e, temporary emplo •ees in Service Operator and Material Operator classifications need not be former employees.

The deployment of temporary employees shall not restrict any seniority employee from his/hertheir normal line of progression, efdelay a posting or the movement of a successful candidate to a job posting.
Prior to hiring +he-the Company agrees towill discuss the deployment of temporary employees with the

The Ceompany agrees towill limit the total number of employees designated as temporary to a maximum of 10% of its regular hourly employees on Site at any given time, excluding summer students.

Schedule B

Commencing with 10 or more years of service a portion of a current year’s vacation may be carried forward to a subsequent year in accordance with the following:

Years of Service Completed in Current Year Maximum Carry-Over Per Year Maximum Cumulative Carry-Over
5 a1::1t less thaA Hl ± v.•eelE ± 1.•,eelE
10 but less than 15 1 week 2 weeks
15 but less than 20 1 week 3 weeks
20 but less than 25 2 weeks 4 weeks
25 but less than 30 2 weeks 5 weeks
30 or more 3 weeks 6 weeks

(5) (i) Each payroll employee granted a vacation shall be paid a vacation allowance in an amount equal to the employee’s current hourly rate multiplied by 40 hours for each week of vacation; provided, however, that in cases in which the individual employee’s regular work week is less than 40 hours, the number of hours in the employee’s regular work week shall govern.

(ii) Each salaried employee graAted a 11acatio A shall be paid a 11acatio A allowaAce for each week of 11acatio A eq1::1al to c1::1rreAt reg1::1lar salary calC1::1lated oA a 11,eekly aasis.


When there is an opportunity in a job classification, it will be appropriately communicated to all employees for not less than 14 days, outlining the responsibilities and the expected duration. It is understood that opportunities expected to last for less than ninety (90) days such communication shall not apply. The Company will share the results of all job opportunities with the Union. When an opportunity exceeds its specified duration, the Company will discuss the extension details with the Union.

Tl=te deple•t•ment ef temperary emple•t’ees sl=tall net restriet an••• senierit’t’ emple•t’ee frem l=tis/l=ter nermal line ef pregressien er dela•t’ tl=te me-.iement ef a s1:1eeessf1:1l eandidate tea jee pasting. Tl=te eempany agrees te dise1:1ss tl=te deple•t’ment ef temperary emple•••ees witl=t tl=te 1:1nien, Tl=te eempan•t• agrees te limit tl=te tetal n1:1meer ef emple•t’ees designated as temperary te a mmdm1:1m ef 10% ef its reg1:1lar l=te1:1rly emple•••ees en Site at any gh.Eceeds premium ·.viii no longer be in effect.
Does Not Meet

Employees ·.vho are rated as Does Not not Mee-tmeeting expectations at the time of their annual evaluation will be given an opportunity to improve their performance. Improvement objectives will be formalized in a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) within one month of the contract anniversary date.
The PIP will be revieweddeveloped with the employee’s participation and reviewed in accordance tewith the schedule established in the original PIP. Throughout the calendar year, an employees on a PIP will be expected to meet and maintain sustain the objectives and milestones established in the PIP.
An employee who fails to meet or sustain the established objectives and milestones in the PIP may
willbe reclassified, and receive the current corresponding wage rate, as follows:

(a) They will be reclassified into the classification most recently held prior to their current classification. 1,–ff suitable work in such classification exists, except in the case of employees classified in the Polymer, Process Control, Maintenance or Stationary Operating Engineer lines of progression; or
(b) In the case of employees classified in the Pol·1mer, Process Control, Maintenance or StationaryOperating Engineer lines of progression, they will be reclassified to the last classification previously held outside the Polymer, Process Control, Maintenance or Stationary Operating Engineer lines of progression, if suitable work in such classification exists; or
(c) They will be reclassified according to their qualifications for any suitable and available work; or
(d) They will be reclassified as Service Operator.

For the purposes of reclassifying “Does Not Meet” employees who are not meeting expectations, it is understood that an employee so rated will not be reclassified to a classification in which the employee was previously rated “Does n-Not Mee-tmeeting expectations” (or equi’.«alent) at the time of leaving that classification.

Notwithstanding the abo’.«e, employees who are rated as Does Not Meet for t·.vo consecuti>.«e years will be reclassified in the manner set out above after January 28ti¼ of the ne>Et calendar year


Under Article VIII (g) of the collective agreement for the purposes of recall, employees qualified for work in a lower rated classification are deemed not to be sufficiently qualified for corresponding work in a higher-rated classification.

For the purposes of Article VIII of the collective agreement, employees who are reclassified due to performance shall be deemed not to be sufficiently qualified for their previously held classification from which they were reclassified.

It is understood for the purposes of recall that employees rated as Does Not Meet who have been regressed or reclassified due to performance, are considered less qualified for jobs than Meets and E>ECeeds em13lo'{eesemployees who meet expectations, regardless of seniority.

Employees who are regressed or reclassified due to performance are not entitled to automatically return to their previously held classification once they are rated as “Meets”meet expectation in their annual 13erformance revie,.., but WH4will be eligible to post if they meet the qualifications ofthe posted job.
For the purpose of clarity, reclassification of an employee who is subject to regression or layoff shall not be made in a bad faith or arbitrary manner.


Notwithstanding Article V (a) of Hie collective agreement, subject to discussion with the Union 13rior to im13lementation, the Com13an'{ ma · also introduce a shift S'{stem with four 10 l:!our sl:!ifts 13er week witl:! one, un13aid meal 13eriod. For the 13ur13oses of an initial 13ilot, sucl:! a 10 l:!our sl:!ift schedule will be im13lemented in the 65Maintenance (Reliabilit'{) organi:rntion on a Monday to Friday basis.

The 13arties ha·,e agreed to a trial 13eriod for remittance of union dues on a montl:!ly basis, under the 13rovisions of Article Ill (I).
Appendix b-G

During eaeR-the benefit enrollment period, the company agrees to allow employees to allocate excess flex credits as ancillary pension contributions to their Flex Select account.
Following the introduction of the Defined Contribution pension plan, contributions to Flex Select will cease. Employees will be provided the option to allocate excess flex credits to their Defined

Contribution pension plan, for the life of this agreement. Such allocation is subject to regulatory approval, if required.


Employees classified as Spinning Technician as of the date of this agreement and who are not currently trained in the Performance Materials spinning assets will 13e reclassified as Spinning Operators 13ut remain at their current pay of $26.05 until Januar 1 28, 2018. At that time, they •Nill 13e paid at the rate of $25.SS for the remaining life of the agreement.
For the purpose of clarity, trained in Performance Materials spinning assets is defined as:

• signed off on all training for the Performance Materials spinning assets,
• regularly assigned to Performance Materials spinning assets in the last 6 months, and
• al3Ie to hold a current assignment.

Employees who post and are selected to the Spinning Operator Training classification will 13e paid according to Schedule A.
Re: On-Call Processes
Work groups may develop on call processes suitable for their needs. Processes must be approved by the Company and agreed to by the union.


Re: Pension Plan

Notwithstanding Article Ill of the collective agreement, it is understood provisions of the Pension Plan
will be amended as follows:

Effective June 01, 2022:

• Any employees hired on or after June 01, 2022, will only be eligible to participate in the Defined Contribution Pension Plan
Effective June 01, 2023:

• The INVISTA Defined Benefit Plan will be frozen. Future service and earnings will not be recognized in the Defined Benefit Plan for all employees.
• All active employees will be enrolled in the Defined Contribution Pension Plan

General provisions of the Defined Contribution Pension Plan:

• Employee and company contributions are based on an employee’s pensionable earnings.

• Pensionable earnings will include regular wages, including all premiums applied to regular hours, variable pay (Ppay) and overtime pay.
• Employee contributions will not be mandatory.

• Employees will be able to change their level of contribution periodically.

• Active employees will have the choice to transfer their commuted value to their INVISTA DC plan or keep their assets in the DB plan. All changes are subject to certain legal obligations including collective bargaining and agreement requirements.
• For employees on statutory leave of absence or a paid leave absence, the company will continue matched and unmatched pension contributions based on the employee’s deemed earnings during the period of absence.

• The company will match 100% of an employee’s contributions up to 4% of the employee’s pensionable earnings, and
• The company will also make additional in contributions (unmatched) o Years of service: 0 to 4 = 2% of pensionable earnings
o Years of service: 5 to 9 = 3%
o Years of service: 10 to 14 = 4%
o Years of service: 15+ = 5%

• The company will make the following additional unmatched contributions for non­ grandfathered employees (as per pension amendment January 1, 2015), from June 2023 to the end of 2025 (2.5 years):
o Years of service: 15 to 19 = 2% of pensionable earnings
o Years of service: 20 to 24 = 3%
o Years of service: 25+ = 4%


Employees whose overall responsibilities are deemed to be significantly different from those of other employees in the same classification, determined at the sole discretion of the Company, will receive a Differentiated Responsiailities (DR) premiumValue Creation Incentive (VCI} equivalent to 2, 4, 8 or 12 % of their classification base rate, applied to every hour worked.
The DR premiumValue Creation Incentive may be reassessed or ceases to apply when:

• The employee’s performance does not meet expectations be rated as “Meets or aaove in their annual performance rmi’iev.· to be eligible for and/or to premium.
• The employee changes roles or
• The Ccompany determines in its sole discretion that the differentiated responsiailities are VCI is
no longer applicable.

Prior to January 28, 2018, Eemployees identified to receive receiving the DR premium prior to January 28, 2022, will receive the equivalent VCI. are not eligible for the e>Eceeds premium.

Hello KINWU members,

We would like to wish everyone a safe and Happy New Year. We hope you were able to have an enjoyable holiday season.

The Union Bargaining committee and the company have reached a tentative agreement on the renewal of our collective agreement. The union will be holding ratification meetings next week on January 11th and 12th, at 12:00pm (noon) and 5:30pm, both days. During these meetings the bargaining committee will present the terms of the tentative agreement and answer questions. Due to the current COVID guidelines, we will be holding ratification meetings through TEAMS. A link to these meetings will be available through the members login section of our website (kinwu.ca) and emailed to our distribution list. Please reach out to an executive for other alternatives.

Voting will take place, in person, on January 18th and 19th, from 6:30am-8:30pm at the union hall (745, Unit 9, Gardiners Rd.). There will be another communication about the procedure for voting to comply with KFLA guidelines, in the near future.

Ratification meetings: Jan 11th & 12th @ 12pm and 5:30pm
(TEAMS meetings)
Voting: Jan 18th & 19th from 6:30 am-8:30 pm @ Union Hall
(In person)


he Bargaining Committee of Kingston Independent Nylon Workers Union have reached a settlement of the Collective Agreement.

Because of COVID, all Presentation meetings will be held on-line.

There will be two Presentation meetings held on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 – one at 12:00 noon and another at 5:30 pm.

Also, there will be two Presentation meetings held on Wednesday, January 12, 2022 – one at 12:00 noon and another at 5:30 p.m.

A copy of the Memorandum of Settlement will be posted on our website on Tuesday, January 11, 2022, to allow members to review before the meetings.

Ratification Votes will be held on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 and Wednesday, January 19, 2022. Further details will follow.


You’re invited to join a Microsoft Teams meeting

Title: Ratification Presentation #1
Time: January 11, 2022 12:00:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting –



You’re invited to join a Microsoft Teams meeting

Title: Ratification Presentation #2
Time: January 11, 2022 5:30:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting –


You’re invited to join a Microsoft Teams meeting

Title: Ratification Presentation #3
Time: January 12, 2022 12:00:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting



You’re invited to join a Microsoft Teams meeting

Title: Ratification Presentation #4
Time: January 12, 2022 5:30:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
